Yum: Licor de Serpiente

Travel rule #1: When you’re in a restaurant owned by a guy with a Stetson hat and an epic handlebar moustache, and the drink list contains a house specialty called Licor de Serpiente (Snake Juice), you order it.

Shanta with Licor de Serpiente

Had the proprietor, Shanta, showed me the bottle of yellowing liquor with the actual, full-grown Coral snake in it, I might have reconsidered, but thankfully he only took it out after I ordered the drink.

The drink itself was good: smoky, and very, very strong (Shanta said that after two of them you’re sure to be muy, muy borracho), but the experience was priceless.


3 responses to “Yum: Licor de Serpiente”

  1. Other useful Spanish phrases: Tengo resaca.

    1. In Ecuador it was “estoy chuchaqui”. We bonded with some kids in the back of a truck in Ecuador over the fact that being chuchaqui on Mondays is the worst. They were drinking beer in the back of a truck on Sunday afternoon.

  2. […] ever had in my life, played foosball, hiked through a nature preserve, hung out poolside, and tried Snake Juice. Overall, I'm glad we went there and ended our Ecuador leg on a relaxing and fun note. However, […]

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