Category: Video Dump
Video Dump 6: Southeast Asia
Hello and welcome to our sixth and likely final video dump. This one covers our time in Southeast Asia: Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Enjoy! First, here are two more videos of the election night celebration in Mandalay, Myanmar: Click here to watch the first video of the election night celebration Click here to…
Video Dump 5: India and Nepal
It’s time for another round-up of videos we took that didn’t quite make it into our posts. This one will cover India and Nepal. Enjoy! First, from our first stop in India, an aerial view of the madness at the Howrah flower market in Kolkata Click here to see the video from the Howrah flower…
Video Dump 4: Tanzania
We loved Tanzania, and found so many parts of it so photogenic that inevitably took too many videos (is videogenic a word?), so here’s another dump of those videos that didn’t make their way into any of our posts. One video of the adorable chimpanzees of Gombe Stream National Park: Click here to see a…
Video Dump 3: Argentina, South Africa
Whoops, it’s been a little too long since we went back and found all the videos that didn’t make their way into a blog post, so this round-up takes us all the way back to the end of our South America leg, and into the beginning of our Africa leg! First, a huge drum troupe…
Video Dump 2
Here are a few videos we’ve taken that haven’t found their way into our last few posts. First, the most pigeons we’ve ever seen, at Plaza Murillo in La Paz Bolivia. Also, there were people selling bags of corn with signs saying something like: “Sterilization: instead of a cruel death”. We think they irradiate the…
Videos: Bogota, Salento, Galapagos
While we put the finishing touches on our next and last Galapagos post (and a few other goodies we’re working on for you), here are some videos we’ve taken on the trip. Uploading videos takes a long time and a lot of patience with the hostel and cyber cafe Internet connections we’ve been forced to…